My Beachbody Journey

My Beachbody journey began in April 2013. My husband had seen a high school friend of his post her before & after pictures on her Facebook page. He contacted her to see what she had done to see such results. She had completed the 60 day Insanity challenge. Long story short, the hubby put her in contact with me and I began the Insanity challenge myself in April 2013. 

I was sooooo scared that it was going to be hard. I was right, it was VERY hard. There were tears and there were days that I didn't want to do it. My eating was not 100% clean so I was very afraid that I wasn't going to see results. This is why it was so important that I took my own before pictures (the ones that I swore I was not going to share with ANYBODY).

I was shocked at my results after 30 days and my jaw dropped at the sight of my 60 day results. I lost a total of 18.5”!! I just couldn't believe it, I think I was in shock for a week. Especially because I only lost 3 pounds, the scale barely moved at all (another reason those before pictures are so important), but I became more toned and leaner. I lost inches in my thighs, hips, waist, and chest. Even my calves became smaller. I went from a size 12/14 to a size 10!

Not only did I lose weight, I gained confidence both physically AND mentally. I gained the ability to push through my own negative thoughts that tried to keep me from completing those 60 days. I increased my stamina, which helped me achieve my personal best for a 5k (34 mins down from 42 mins when I began running) and for a 1/2 marathon (2hrs 30 mins down from 2hrs 55 mins). I made new friends through the Beachbody community. They are so important to me because we have the same vision of changing our lives through health and fitness while trying to share it with others. We want to "End the Trend" by helping people overcome obesity and diabetes. 

It is NOT easy. It is NOT a 'fad.' It IS a lifestyle change and YOU have to put in the work. But there are wonderful people who want to help and support you through your own fitness journey. Mine is not over, it is still going. I am still learning and growing. I can be your coach and your cheerleader if you choose to start yours. 


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