Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Insanity: Week 6

We are in week six of Insanity and I admit, with a heavy heart, that I have not been as "on task" with my workouts as I wanted to be! There is a fine line between having an excuse and having a reason for not working out. I still have a hard time admitting that I have a legitimate reason to give my body a break.

I completed the first week of Insanity without any problem. Week 2 was completed with a little more difficulty, but I did it. Weeks 3 and 4, I had contracted an ear infection! Yes, me, a grown adult with an ear infection. I didn't' even catch it from my kids! I tried to work out, I really did. But the pressure in my ear was too much with the burpees and all the other "up and down" moves of Insanity. So, I moved to another program because I just didn't want to completely BAIL on my workouts! Week 5, I had a chest cold...literally hacking up my lungs with a cough so bad I started to think I had bronchitis or walking pneumonia. I have NEVER had something linger for SO long!

It is difficult to accept, but sometimes, your body DOES need time to recover. It does need REST and RELAXATION. It also takes time to realize, yourself, when your HEAD is making an excuse and when your BODY is talking to you. Be patient with yourself, listen to your body, it will ultimately let you know what your next step will be.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Insanity: Week 1

The first week of Insanity is done! It wasn't easy getting back into the groove, let me tell you. But I did it. I planned my meals, got up at 5:15am to get my workouts in. I've even been running after work to train for an 8 mile run the first weekend in November.

Of course, it is too soon to see the effects of my hard work this past week in my physical appearance. I think this is why it can sometimes be difficult to continue making healthy choices and deciding to get up early and workout. It doesn't take very long for you to begin to FEEL great! You  no longer feel bloated. You begin to feel more energized. You begin to feel happier because of all those endorphins you've activated! Surly you should be able to SEE your results! But, NO! It takes time to find that body you are comfortable in. Time, dedication, hard work and consistency, and you will begin to SEE the changes you want to see.  CONSISTENCY in the choices that will take you one step closer to your goal.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Remembering to Take Care of Yourself

I have been neglecting to take care of myself for the past 2 to 3 weeks now and I am starting to feel it! This is what happens when you stop planning and just let life take over. Don't get me wrong, I had VERY important things going on! Family was visiting from overseas and from across the country for my cousin's wedding!! We had SO MUCH to do! Having said that though, I could have still been planning my meals, drinking my Shakeology, and working out. It would have been a little harder (which is why I failed in the first place), but it would have been worth it.

Now that I have been on this journey to get healthier for almost a year and a half now, I can really FEEL the difference when I start slacking.,,and it doesn't feel good. I get cranky, lazy, bloated, and brain fog! So, tonight, I FINALLY got a run in and drank strawberry Shakeology for dinner and am looking forward to starting my SECOND round of Insanity on Monday with my accountability group. 

Feeling better already!